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EVENT ENDED: "Day of the Dead" - Loreto

One of Mexico's most important religious holidays, Dia de los Muertos (sometimes called Dia de los Fieles Difuntos) – Day of the Dead, is celebrated on All Saint's Day (November 1) and All Soul's Day (November 2). Traditionally, November 1st honors deceased children and November 2nd honors deceased adults.

In Loreto, this time-honored tradition begins on Halloween and lasts for three days. Festivities during the event include honoring departed loved ones by decorating altars with flowers, candles and food offerings. Family and friends may also gather at their beloveds’ graves and spend the evening with spreads of the deads’ favorite foods and drinks.

The event in downtown Loreto last year (2021) was beautiful, with Town Hall illuminated by alternating colors of light and ornate “Day of the Dead” decorations in front of Town Hall (see picture). Many of the local restaurants had live music, as the Town filled with dancers and trick-or-treaters in elaborate costumes. The festival is a wonderful opportunity to indulge in local cuisine and socialize with Loretanos. It is one of the more colorful traditions that keeps Loreto magical!